News-Nanpi Huaya Metal Products Co., Ltd.

Kategoria guztiak
Berotegiko leihoak irekitzeko engranaje eta bastidore sistemaren sarrera

Product Advantages: Strong Power, Efficient Transmission: Made of high-strength steel plates and treated with special processes, it has a high load-bearing capacity and transmission efficiency, ensuring the stable operation of the greenhouse ventilat...

Berotegiko leihoak irekitzeko engranaje eta bastidore sistemaren sarrera
Tailerra Sandwich Isolatutako Panel Sistema

The roof sandwich insulated panel aluminum alloy system of our company is different from the designs of other companies. We have installed seats / pressing plates / hollow rubber strips at the edge of the gutter, and there is no need to install alumi...

Tailerra Sandwich Isolatutako Panel Sistema
Aluminiozko aleazioko gutter produktuaren aurkezpena

PDA hollow aluminum alloy gutters are widely used in China at present. However, we have more than 20 types of gutters with different covering materials, functional combinations, and cross-sectional materials. We can reasonably configure them accordin...

Aluminiozko aleazioko gutter produktuaren aurkezpena